Thank you! And Glory to Ukraine!

Your application is received and is available now for the Ukrainian military in depersonificated CRM.

We can't guarantee that you'll be selected and when it will happen. But we assure you that your profile is available for the Ukrainian military - and you might be selected in days, weeks, or even months.

If you have any questions, the best way is to read the Guidance.

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Honorable Legionnaire
You are here to begin the validation process to gauge your suitability and preparedness to participate in the Ukrainian-russian war. Before you proceed with the application it is mandatory for you to be informed of the current warfare conditions and the actual state of affairs which all approved warriors might be dealing with.
First of all, Ukraine is fighting against the world’s second strongest army which carries tons of equipment, machinery and people. It’s not a low-grade war, it is an extremely active high-intensity battlefield with thousands units of artillery, missiles, close battles, civilians rescue missions and various types of possible missions. Every day more than a thousand people die on both sides.
Secondly, which is even more important - our enemy is a pure evil - russians don’t respect any rules and laws. This war displays multiple evidences of internationally acclaimed rules of warfare violation. The conflict is reported and witnessed to be of the highest levels of cruelty with pervasive wartime atrocities.
Putting it simply - it is hell on Earth.
This is not a place for a military tourism or an opportunity to gain extra skills - we don’t have time to train people that are not ready. If you’re not ready - each day could be your last day out there.
There’re many sad stories about foreign legionnaires being totally unprepared for Ukrainian warfare reality coming to Ukraine just to find out that they are not ready before they quit. In order to avoid their mistake, when filling the application please be as honest as possible, above all to yourself.
Here’s a simple check whether you’re ready - the actual cases that might happen to you:
Keeping in mind that the structures and names of military forces, units, and roles might be different from country to country - please find the closest one that best describes your job.
What was the latest operation?
What weapon systems do you have the most experience with?
Multiple choice in each category
Please make sure you have installed Signal app on your phone associated with your phone number from the application.
Residential address
Emergency Contact